Why the wolves thought of coming to the town instead of just
keeping to the forest is still up for debate
Bad luck, or good depending on why side of the debate you’re
But the fact is they did and the pigs were just not prepared
for the onslaught
Well not all the pigs, and the ones that thought they were
didn’t have a clue what consequences that came with
The first day the wolves attacked it seemed so random cause
it was for the most part
Two wolves, scouts almost that accidentally came upon this
little village of pigs minding their own business
The wolves were just as surprised at the pigs, seeing as the
pigs never bothered to put out security or any kind of look outs
They have been living there for generations, no one had seen
a wolf in longer than they could remember
They were civilized, why would they think of wolves coming
to hunt for them
The two scout wolves froze almost, shocked at this entire
village full of pork
So much so that it took them a full minute to realize what
they were seeing before one of them struck the nearest pig
A thirty something year old pig, the local glass maker,
whose father’s father first migrated to this village in his youth
The wolf wasn’t the most precise but he was swift with his
claws, it took another whole minute for everyone around to realize what
By the time they did one more pig was down, a herder, the
second wolf was more swift and he hit the throat like a surgeon
Pandemonium began and the wolves were only able to kill two
more before all the pigs were out of sight, in their houses or in hiding
The two wolves stood in the center of the street, each with
two kills at their feet, surveying the area
Tiny house made of straw, wood and brick, a park, a few
shops, pavement roads leading in four directions
They collected their prey and giving the village one last
glance began walking away right where they came from
The pigs waited about an hour or so before they got brave
enough to come out of their houses and hiding places
They walked to the center of the street and stood stunned as
the saw all the red blotches left behind, the paw prints leading out of town
Then the crying and walling began as the reality of the
situation found gravity, it all became very real
Slowly the town began talking and look outs were assigned so
that they would have a warning for the next time
The next day the two wolves came back and the look outs were
the first to go, the wolves where much more swift this time
They came with a plan and it was simple, grab and go, two
each and they were gone
And so it was for the next couple of days, by the end of the
week no one was in the streets at all, no security, just dead silence
The entire village appeared abandoned as the pigs hid, they
didn’t move, they skipped a breath if any sound was heard
That was what caused things to get worse, when they should
have fled they stayed and waited
The two scout wolves came that day, they prowled the village
from one end to the other but found no one around
They could smell them in their tiny straw, wood and brick
house and they growled and howled outside their doors
The waited and waited but no pig was in sight, no pig came
out, the two gathered in the center of the street
Nothing was said between the two, but a conclusion was
reached and one of them left the village
The one that stayed began walking around the village,
walking to the houses and pushing his nose against the walls
Sometimes he would rest his eyes against the straw and wood
house to see in the gaps to see if he could catch something inside
The evening had arrived so the darkness didn’t allow him to
see anything but he could sense something
The night came and went no pig in that village slept, they
stood silently and stared at each other or at the door
Every so often they would hear the breathing of the wolf,
sometimes just the sound his claws made against the pavement as we walked by
There was an hour or two when they relaxed as they heard his
breathing shorten as he slept
The few pigs who actually slept were woken to the most
horrifying sound as hundreds of claws and growls filled the air
The few pigs who were brave walked towards the doors or the
spaces in their wood or straw walls to try and see outside
All who did see outside fell pale white as the realization
of what they witnessed became clear
The entire village was overrun by wolves, every corner,
every street and just about every house had a wolf walking around
It was around this time that some pigs became making noise,
they couldn’t help it, the sheer terror drove them mad
This is where the wolves began their assault, one wolf began
scratching the straw wall and slowly it showed progress
Then another wolf joined him and before you know half a
dozen were scratching away and it didn’t take long
No, before you know knew they went through the wall and then
all you heard was grunts turn to screams and the whole village howled
Then all the straw houses were attacked and then all the
straw houses fell, some pigs made a run for it and some didn’t
But none made it very far after that, it didn’t take a half
hour for all the straw houses to be over taken
The pigs in the wood houses heard and watched it all while
the pigs in brick houses only heard
The brick houses were just four walls, no windows and a
door, there were few because they were more expensive to build
As expensive, luxurious comfortable as they were they were
now no more than coffins, then screams went right through the walls
About an hour had gone by and finally the commotion had all
but ceased, no more screaming, not more sounds of houses falling
Just silence to the pigs, but to the wolves it was feeding
time, they each had about two pigs to devour and they did
For hours they fed and when the meat was gone they gnawed on
the bones until they got to the marrow
By evening the wolves were just lounging and slowly they
began to leave, but not all of them, some stayed behind
The night came and went and the next day came and went and
the day after that, the pigs still did not move in their houses
It was on the third day that the growls and the sounds of
claws came again, they all gathered in the center of the village
With a growl here and howl there something was decided and 6
of them approached a wood house
They began scratching at the walls just like they did with
the straw house, they wood was giving away but just not as easily as the straw
Then 6 turned into a dozen and now the wood was giving away
much faster, somewhere across the village the first screams were heard
The wood gave way and the in came the wolves
The next few hours were screams and cracks as houses gave
way, but because of the numbers they couldn’t get to every house
A few wood houses survived that day, but not many as you
looked around the village, bare bones of what it used to be
And just like before by night they wolves were gone, content
and just like before a few stayed behind
Just like before it was days before they came back, some
went straight to the wood house that were left and some went for the brick
This is where they first realized that maybe this is where
they stopped, a dozen of them were only making marks on the walls
Hours went by till they stopped, they stopped al together
too, because no more wood house were coming down
The wolves were now solely concentrating on the brick
houses, to no avail though because their claws just weren’t strong enough
There was a half hour pause on the brick house attack and
the for some reason the wolves started up on the wood house again
This time the whole pack was attacking so the wood houses
were not lasting more than a few minutes
But this time the grunts didn’t turn to screams like they
had been before, this time there was silence after the crack of the wood
The pigs in the brick houses could only collect information
from the noise that came in from the space at the bottom of the door
The pigs intently listened to gather information, they heard
the cracking of wood, the grunts and then some cries mixed in among the howls
Then some hoof sounds as pigs ran and then thuds as they
were struck down by wolves, but no kills though
There was a silence that even the wind thundered over and
then the pigs in the brick houses heard the loudest thud
It was against their doors, then hoofs clawing at the door,
then grunts, then cries and finally the screaming
The pigs were being pushed against the doors and the pigs
tried all they could to get into the house
But the doors were locked tightly, for hours they thuds and
hoof scratches continued never letting up
In some of the brick houses you heard the cries from within
and those where the houses the wolves pressed hardest on
One door did budge when it was unlocked from within and it
was a second before the wolves were in
On the houses that didn’t budge the pigs were doing
everything possible not to scream, not to move not to live
They were cowards but not enough to know how to end their
own lives, they were simple pigs up to this point
After no more house opened doors then blood began to seep in
from the under the door as the wolves killed the pigs and ate them
All the pigs could do was watch as the blood trickled in and
formed a puddle at the entrance to their once clean and beautiful house
For the next few days the scratching continued until it was
less and less, then less and less howling and claws hit the pavement
Eventually only a few here and there until finally there
were none, even then the pigs did not come out
It might have been a month before the first door was opened,
some doors never opened
The pigs who did come out came out to see a cemetery with a
few brick mausoleums still standing
Some of the ones who ventured out got 3 steps out and did
move from there, some just kept walking and never stopped
There were no wolves left, but in those brick houses there
were still pigs who did not move or make any noises
In some of those brick houses the wolves never left