Monday, June 27, 2011

Choose your own adventure.

Choose your own adventure and follow me.  We’re in pursuit of a villain; he has stolen a beautiful woman from a small village.  Why do we care?  The town is paying big money for her return.  Why should we reconsider?  This dude took out half the village with his control over fire.  How can the town afford to pay us?  I don’t know but it’ll probably not end well when they show their power and betray us.  But I’m already working on a plan for when that time comes.  Oh, by the way, his castle floats in the sky under a bed of molten lava surrounded by a moat of fire.  He’s in no hurry to hurt the girl and since I demanded we get paid up front we’ll have a few nights off to spend half our salary in case this adventure goes sour.  Why are we still taking it considering the town is obviously not telling us something and some of us might not make it back?  Because this is what we do, it’s what we get paid for, and gentlemen and lady we wouldn’t have it any other way.

Let’s talk about gear now.  I’m going to trust my sword and shield that has saved me against dragons and magicians.  I’m going to need a really big guy with a really heavy blunt object that he can carry and use with ease.  I need a female that can handle a bow with bull’s-eye precision and eagle sight.  Finally, we’re going to need an individual with great intelligence and understanding of mythical forces that can also wield a weapon. 

So, here’s the plan: we’re obviously going to have to find a way into that castle.  Plenty of people go in and out of it, apparently, so we’re going to just have to recon it until we find that way in.  My bow woman will then disable the guards from a safe distance.  We will then infiltrate the castle, we won’t have too much time so let’s be quick about it.  Two hordes of troops will come out, the ones trying to kill us and the ones protecting where their leader will be.  Bow woman, find some high ground at this point and help the big guy and I by diminishing the numbers as much as possible.  Magic man, use this time of confusion and hide in the shadows until you find your opening.  That castle doesn’t stay up in the air ‘cause it wants to, no sir, find out how and disable it.  Don’t worry about time, I imagine it will take you the same amount to do that as it will for the big guy and I to defeat the villain, rescue the girl, and get out of the castle.  As for how you’ll get out, I don’t know about magic so I won’t ask.

I’m pretty sure each of us will end up facing an opponent.  Bow woman, keep an eye on the roofs and towers, your opponent will either find you from there and try to sneak up on you or try to take you out from a distance.  Big guy, I can only imagine that your opponent will either be the masses of troops or an immovable object that will require all of your strength.  Magic man, there will be a wizard waiting for you in the gallows of the castle or a wizard will show up at the most inopportune moment as you’re trying to make that castle drop.  I, of course, will have the villain himself, where I’ll most likely be wounded pretty badly but as long as I rely on my sword, I will be the victor. 

When we make our escape let’s be mindful that the lady will be our priority, so please be chivalrous towards her.  She will exit first with bow woman taking out any stragglers that might try to stop us.  I will follow to make sure the outside is ready for us, big guy behind me in case we do have anything waiting for us, bow woman last because honestly no one will even be looking for you.  Once outside I imagine we’ll see the castle begin to blow up from the bottom up and either we’ll see magic man hover to safety or some amazing leap of faith where big guy will save him at the last second. 

There might be a last minute rise from the villain where we’ll have to work together to deal a death blow or just a strong show of force that will disappear with the castle.  We’ll then look for some high ground and camp out for the night.  In the morning we’ll head to a predetermined town nearby where we will pass the lady over to a hired group of up-and-coming adventurers to transfer her back to her village.  We’ll keep a safe distant from them as they make their way to return her.  If we can help them when they return we will, but let’s be honest, we’re taking these precautions for a reason.  After it’s all over we return to our normal lives and wait for the next adventure to come.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

My name is Christian, i have a passion, i love to write.

    Often when I think of topics to write about, or of stories that could fill a book, I return to memories that might spark up a whole chapter and maybe motivate a novel.  It sounds like a winning combination, I could bust out three books a year like Stephen King with that foundation.  Yet it seems harder than anything trying to choose what I think would be something worth reading for someone, that feeling where just cause it matters to me doesn’t it will be anything special to someone else.  I follow the golden rule where it isn’t what you say that matters but how you say it.  The same story can be told by a hundred people, chances are you will only remember a few of them and only because of the details in which they told the story.  There are natural story tellers in the this world, people who can hold an audience words, but try and get them to put it on paper and they would be stuck.  There are people who can write long an eloquent letters explaining one thing or another.  There are those who chronicle what happens in the world, I don’t mean just journalists, no, there are a few who see the world and explain it in words.  I suppose that’s my thing considering I am not a great writer; I don’t tell good stories; not great at making things up; I don’t have a broad vocabulary and I don’t write a lot.  But I do have one recurring compliment, “I like the way you write”.
    This motivates me to take my everyday events of growing up and turn them into stories on paper.  I know this won’t pay the bills just yet, I’m realistic enough to have a well paying job with the bonus that it gives me time to write, but a passion isn’t always what makes you.  A passion can drive you.  It’s the childhood dream that never dies; the list of top five perfect jobs; the poster on the wall or the conventions we all go to.  I love the 50 year old man who busts out a guitar and plays it like it’s his job, yet clearly we see he is a janitor because of the jumpsuit he has on.  There is a twinkle in people’s eyes when they talk about what moves them, an uncontrollable twitch that gives away their bluff.  My name is Christian, I have a passion, I love to write.

Friday, June 10, 2011

The Moment

Jim was right, sometimes it feels like we just “trade in our hours for a handful of dimes”.  We work so hard for what little we have and yet keep working for even less after that.  Somewhere in it all we become complacent, drones really, and just keep bringing honey to the hive.  I like my job a lot, but it’s not a career.  The minute it stops being fun I’ll have no problem moving on.
There are days, though, where it just doesn’t make sense.  You know those days, left home early, came home late, paid your bills, filled your tank, stocked up on food for the week, caught a movie, had a drink and the account is now close to tapped.  Worst of all is when that day is the Monday after getting paid.  Yep, two whole weeks to budget all decisions concerning monetary happiness.  Can I just buy that?  Should I just buy that?  Now I remember what I needed?  Or do I just want it?
That’s the day you begin to reminisce about how you used to make half the money once and seemed to spend more than you do now.  Those carefree days when you shared rent, lived with the parents, or some of us let the government put a roof over our heads.  It seems it was so much more fun to work.  Funny thing about reminiscing is we only remember the deeply depressing stuff, or the over the top good shit, never the dull or mundane times when we were feeling just like this moment.
We can always look back at better times when times seem rough, but we forget that we made it through those moments to get to this one.  But we don’t look around and see there is so much more now than there were in those days.  Sometimes it’s surprising to look around and try to compare what we had to what we have.  When the fuck was I able to afford two TV’s in my old place?
Like Biggie said “Mo’ money, mo’ problems” and ain’t it the truth.  We come so close but always seem to fall short and I think the only time we’ve even touched the damn thing is when we’ve done something besides the job.  The “thing”, the “it”, is different for all of us, but we all know it’s there somewhere.  Sometimes we can describe it, sometimes someone has it, sometimes it almost feels made up and the only thing they all share is the moment we feel we’re near it or the moment when we’re sure we missed it.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Renter's Cut

Ring! Ring! Ring!




Lex, you going to be home later I want to drop off “HEAT”?


Oh, how was it?  What did you think?


It was good.


What did you think of the ending?


It was good.


Way better than the original ending right?


Original ending?


What do you mean original ending?


Where DeNiro dies.


DeNiro dies at the end?

(even more perplexed)


Wait, you hadn’t see the movie before?


No jackass.  That’s why I asked to borrow it.



(realizing something)


What do you mean oh?


You liked it didn’t you?


That’s not the point. I could have looked like an idiot talking out it.


There is that possibility, but seriously whoever comes to you with movie talk besides me.  Did you like the ending of not?


It doesn’t matter, that’s beside the point.

(almost angrily, then accepting)

How did you do it anyway? I didn’t even notice.  And what does happen at the end?


It’s easy really, just put 2 VCR’s together and voila! New ending.  Besides all you missed was DeNiro getting shot by Pacino.  They have some words, they shake hands, DeNiro dies, credits.  It was lame.


DeNiro dies!


Which is cool, but they just did it wrong.  Why bother watching that.


But you can’t just change endings.


Why not?


Well I’m sure it’s illegal to begin with.  Secondly, it’s a dick move for those of us who haven’t seen it.


You haven’t even noticed and you’ve been ok.


Wait, you already did this to me?





What movies don’t I know the real ending to?


I can’t remember off the top of my head.




Well there are a few I’m proud of.


Which one’s did I see?


Did I loan you The Departed?






Shawshank Redemption?




Sixth Sense?


No, that one got spoiled for me.


Lost in Translation?



What happened at the end of that one?


Did you like it?




Then why does it matter?


Cause it’s not the real movie.


If you don’t like it then get a fucking DVD player leave me and my movies alone.  Cheap ass.


Hey, no need for the personal attacks, a needs to live within his means alright. Are you home or not?




So I just got True Grit…



Sunday, June 5, 2011

Dying with dignity

I’ve seen life, death and everything in between, shook hands with the devil and shared a drink with the reaper, I am not afraid to die.  I don’t want to expect that when I die there is a reward for me for how ever I behaved, whether good or bad, and that should the curtains close and there is no encore I would be perfectly ok with that.  But having been given this life I have also been given the option to do with it as I please and be who I want to be, murderer, priest, asshole, saint, my fucking decision.  I don’t know about you but when my end comes I’m going out swinging.

I saw the documentary HOW TO DIE IN OREGON this weekend and it made me think about my last days on this planet of ours.  The documentary follows a few people who have chosen to be able to decide when their final day is, due to some terminal disease or age and how the state of Oregon allows people to die with dignity by allowing them the option of taking prescribed medication that brings on that endless sleep.  What Kevorkian was doing, except the person does it themselves as opposed to a doctor administering the medication.  It was eye opening in the sense I never that imagined that I would ever be stopped should I choose to end my own my life 30, 40 years from now. 

One of the people the documentary follows is a woman from Washington whose husband succumbed to his disease within a year and suffered to his last breath.  As a promise to her husband she began a journey to make the right to die with dignity legal in her state.  With the help of an organization already on that same path they were able to pass the law. 

As I watched I kept thinking that it was wrong that a person, of sound mind and body would not be allowed to make that choice for themselves.  It still doesn’t make any sense really.  I’ve never been opposed to what many consider “assisted suicide” but I think there are probably too many people just like me who aren’t aware of how devastating a terminal illness can be and it takes a movie to help open their eyes to why a law like this is necessary.  Not that I am going to run out right now and start protesting, I’d like to see the stupid mutherfucker who will try and get in my way when my time comes.  But with everything else I have to worry about when it comes to getting older do I really need to add this to the list of things.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


You still have your necklace that says "I wish you would"?  I miss you man, times are tough, it isn't as simple as it used to be sitting together with a bucket of beers between us while Office Space, Old School, Van Wilder, Super Troopers or Airplane played all day everyday.  I know you're doing ok, but i miss you bro.  Those times can't be duplicated and people just dont understand.
We had some tough cases, even dangerous ones, but it never felt like it with you around.  You were like a rhino busting through those doors coming in for backup.  I was never scared to begin with but you stamped it by not showing any fucking fear.  I drink tonight and it feels tasteless, beer never tasted so good as when we shared it on a lunch break.  Remember those?  You know CHUY'S isnt around anymore?  Apparently we were keeping them in business since they shut down after we left. 
Life doesnt suck with out you but it sure feels weird.  Is this gay?  You wouldn't care anyway, after the shit we've seen of each other this is the least of our worries.  Just wanted to let you know 2740 miles doesnt change the fact that we're brothers, through chicks, through jobs, through beers, shots or pink cowboy hats.  You're my boy and the rum and coke agree.

(i'm going to regret this as soon as i post it, ha!!)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Juan & Chris prattle on

Ok, so here we go again.  On today's conversation we discuss what we consider near perfect movies.  We're still trying this out and are planning on turning it into a weekly thing, yes we'll make it shorter, yes we'll get better, yes we'll take request, yes we do have faces made for radio.  Next question!!
Ok so find Juan here on wednesdays, and here other days.
But find us here for the podcast?

And in honor of his love for Conan i drew this.

and then maybe I touched it up a little.

So enjoy and let me get some feedback people.